Noémie C.

Twitter @lelapinlunaire

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is psoriasis / psoriatic arthritis?

A: Psoriasis is an autoimmune, chronic inflammatory skin condition. Skin cells multiply faster than normal, which creates red patches of accumulated dead skin often covered with white scales. Different types of psoriasis exist and different persons will be affected differently by them. The condition ranges from mild  to severe and can decrease one’s quality of life significantly. This skin disorder is not contagious as it is due to a malfunction in one’s immune system. 


Psoriatic arthritis is a direct consequence of psoriasis. It is characterized by swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints, much like other types of arthritis. The major difference is that this type of arthritis is also accompanied by psoriasis flares on the skin. Although arthritis as a whole is often associated with being old, It can occur as soon as your twenties or as late as your forties. Not all people who have psoriasis will develop this condition; only about 10% to 30% will. 


Both of these conditions are chronic, meaning that they last one’s lifetime and that there is currently no cure for them. However, multiple medications to control these diseases exists, making living with them and accepting the conditions easier. Personally, some side effects of these (as well as the conditions themselves) also makes it very difficult to follow a fast-paced life, which is why I don’t progress as fast and easily as some other cosplayers of my age can. I do my best everyday to keep up with my passions though!


For more information about psoriasis and other conditions related to it, I highly recommend that you visit the National Psoriasis Foundation’s website! If you suspect that you have this condition, please go see a Doctor, as they will be able to help you a lot more and better than I am.



Q: Do you take cosplay commissions?

A: I currently don’t take cosplay commissions, especially for complete costumes, because I don’t possess the ressources or the energy to do so. I have to work a lot slower at the moment since my body can’t take large amounts of strenuous work at a time, which makes taking serious commissions with a specific due date very difficult. Finally, I also have a lot of other hobbies besides cosplay and am currently going to university, which doesn’t leave me much time to take commissions aside from close friends. I’ll make a clear announcement on my main page if I decide to open them to more people!


Art commissions may open in the near future (or on a case by case basis), but please be aware that I work at a very slow pace.


Q: Can I commission you a Sorey / Lailah (Tales of Zestiria) cosplay?

A: I don’t take cosplay commissions (see the answer above), but even if I did I wouldn’t accept commissions for any Sorey or Lailah cosplay because these costumes have great emotional value to me. My friend and I spent hundreds of hours working on them, and it wouldn’t feel right to sell all the time I spent on making something special for her to someone else. I will be more than happy to answer questions about these costumes however!



Q: How did you sew [item]?

A: This is a very vague question and it’s answer requires that I explain every single step of my process to you, which takes a long time for me to write and may not answer your actual question. Please be specific about what part of your project you have difficulties with so I can help you more efficiently! I also recommend doing a Google or Pinterest search and to read books about sewing. One of my favorite guide book is the New Complete Guide to Sewing by The Reader’s Digest.



Q: How did you pattern [item]?

A: This is also a question that is difficult to answer because I don’t know how much knowledge you have about pattern drafting. To be honest, a lot of my process involves trial and error, so even if I described you how to draft something, you wouldn’t be guaranteed to have good results on the first try. If pattern drafting is a skill that you are interested in developing, I highly suggest that you take classes! That’s how I Iearned how to draft and how to deconstruct a garment using reference pictures. I also recommend the book Pattern Drafting for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph Armstrong, which is one of my favorite pattern bibles!

Copyright © 2017.  All Rights Reserved to Noémie C.